流动眼科手术车移动中 将光明带到不同地方
- 分类:公司新闻
- 作者:共享基金會 GX Foundation
- 来源:共享基金會 GX Foundation
- 发布时间:2024-04-23
- 访问量:751
流动眼科手术车移动中 将光明带到不同地方
- 分类:公司新闻
- 作者:共享基金會 GX Foundation
- 来源:共享基金會 GX Foundation
- 发布时间:2024-04-23
- 访问量:751
基金会的手术车全名为流动眼科手术车 (Mobile Eye Treatment Centre),它们不仅仅是停留在援助国家的特定省份工作,还将穿梭在项目国的不同地方,为患者进行免费的白内障手术。
The Mobile Eye Treatment Centre, as the Foundation's operating vehicle is called, will not only stay in the specific province of the donor country, but will also travel to different parts of the project country to perform free cataract surgery for patients
Recently, surgical vehicles from both project countries are being moved to new project sites to prepare to receive and help more local patients.
为了方便居于努瓦克肖特市偏远地区的患者,手术车由原来的国家医疗中心(Centre Hospitalier National),转移到了距离其车程约30分钟的友谊医院(Hôpital de l’Amitié)。 目前,基金会正做好筹备工作,准备迎接即将于4月20日到来的黑龙江省医疗队。
In order to accommodate patients living in a remote area of Nouakchott, the operating vehicle was moved from the former Centre Hospitalier National to the Hopital de l 'Amitie, which is about 30 minutes away by car. At present, the GX Foundation is preparing for the arrival of the medical team from Heilongjiang Province on April 20.
Since the launch of the Project to Eliminate Cataract Blindness in Mauritania in October 2023, a total of 3,809 patients have been treated and 960 operations have been performed. The Foundation is launching a new phase of medical assistance in Mauritania to help local patients as much as possible and train more health professionals.
与此同时,在老挝北部项目点琅勃拉邦的手术车在经历了三天两夜,穿过崎岖的山路后,也顺利转移到了老挝南部新项目点占巴塞 106人民军医院 。手术车、患者病房、手术流程以及存储室都已准备就绪! 基金会将在四月底开始为老挝南部的病人提供免费眼睛筛查和免费白内障手术,为当地老挝人民带来重见光明的美好时刻。
At the same time, the operation vehicle in Luang Prabang, the project site in northern Laos, passed through the rugged mountain road for three days and two nights and was successfully transferred to the 106 People's Army Hospital in Champasai, the new project site in southern Laos. Operating vehicles, patient rooms, procedures and storage rooms are ready! The GX Foundation will begin providing free eye screenings and free cataract surgery to patients in southern Laos at the end of April, bringing a wonderful moment of sight to the local Lao people.
“消除白内障致盲项目”在老挝已进入阶段性完成目标的时刻,从去年2022年9月开始至今,基金会在老挝首都万象和北部琅勃拉邦 ,共完成3400多例免费白内障手术,帮助超过2800 名病人重见光明。
Since September 2022, the GX Foundation has completed more than 3,400 free cataract surgeries in Vientiane, the capital of Laos, and Luang Prabang in the north of the country, helping more than 2,800 patients to see again.
梁振英与汪文斌大使访柬埔寨磅士卑省 即将启动消除白内障致盲项目
坎坷寻医无门 福建医疗队为单眼汉复明
联系人:陈先生 13760960168
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