
我司电器工程师王强随共享基金会出征非洲吉布提, 受到共享基金会的高度赞扬

我司电器工程师王强随共享基金会出征非洲吉布提, 受到共享基金会的高度赞扬

  • 分类:公司新闻
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  • 发布时间:2023-02-24
  • 访问量:747

On February 17,2023, our company sent Wang Qiang (Wang Gong), an electrical engineer, to Djibouti, Africa to escort the charity action of "Cataract Blindication Project" in Djibouti, Africa.
After arriving at the destination, Wang Gong gave detailed training on the operation of the project team, ensuring that all members of the project team could use the surgical vehicle smoothly. On the first day of the project, I was busy working for the project. Was ly praised by the foundation project team.


我司电器工程师王强随共享基金会出征非洲吉布提, 受到共享基金会的高度赞扬

On February 17,2023, our company sent Wang Qiang (Wang Gong), an electrical engineer, to Djibouti, Africa to escort the charity action of "Cataract Blindication Project" in Djibouti, Africa.
After arriving at the destination, Wang Gong gave detailed training on the operation of the project team, ensuring that all members of the project team could use the surgical vehicle smoothly. On the first day of the project, I was busy working for the project. Was ly praised by the foundation project team.

  • 分类:公司新闻
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  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2023-02-24
  • 访问量:747



Wang Qiang, our electrical engineer, went to Djibouti, Africa along with the GX Foundation, Highly praised by the GX foundation



On February 17,2023, our company sent Wang Qiang (Wang Gong), an electrical engineer, to Djibouti, Africa to escort the charity action of "Cataract Blindication Project" in Djibouti, Africa.


After arriving at the destination, Wang Gong gave detailed training on the operation of the project team, ensuring that all members of the project team could use the surgical vehicle smoothly. On the first day of the project, I was busy working for the project. Was ly praised by the foundation project team.




The unsung hero behind Mobile Eye Treatment Centre(METC)


"It's my first time to travel to Africa. I am very excited. I hope our mission could be completed safely and successfully.

"Wang Qiang , an engineer of the METC, joined GX team to Africa to assist in the preparation of the project in Djibouti. In the past few years, the dedicated efforts of the METC producer has enabled GX’s METC to perform cataract surgery in Southeast Asia and Africa. "I am mainly responsible for designing the power supply system as well as setting up the electrical wiring in the car while the colleagues from other departments are responsible for the car design, sourcing of materials and assembly of the entire car. It takes around 4 months for a team of about 15 people to complete the assembly of one METC.
Have been working on the METC for 10 years, Wang Qiang is no stranger to business trips, but this is his first time working in Africa. "I haven’t encountered any difficulties working here. Apart from testing the electricity and assisting in the installation of equipment, I also demonstrate the use of equipment and generator for the medical team to ensure that the surgery can be carried out under safe conditions." Wang is pleased to answer any questions from our colleagues as well as introduce the equipment of the METC.

On the ground, Wang was very helpful. He offered a lot of help in our preparation work such as setting up the tables and chairs for registration under the high temperature. Wang always has an amiable signature smile on his face, radiating positive energy all around him.

On the day of the operation, Wang witnessed for the first patient who completed the operation getting off the METC, and was very moved. "It's really an honuor, and I am very grateful to GX for providing me a chance to be part of the project."
After spending only one week with Wang, everyone appreciates Wang's easy-going personality. Despite being very reluctant to let him leave, we wish him a safe and pleasant journey home.

第一次来到非洲,心情兴奋,也希望大家可以安全地、顺利地和圆满地完成任务。 」王强(王工)是流动眼科手术车的工程师,今次从顺德出发,随共享基金会团队到非洲,协助筹备吉布提的项目。

基金会流动眼科手术车能够在东南亚及非洲进行白内障手术,也有赖生产商团队的专业设计与组装。 「我主要参与供电系统和电力走线的设计,亦负责铺设车内的电线;其他部门同事负责全车设计、采购、组装等,差不多15人的团队需花约4个月完成组装一辆流动眼科手术车。」
王强主理流动眼科手术车踏入第十个年头,对出差工作并不陌生,但倒是第一次到非洲工作。 「在这里工作十分顺利,除了测试电力及协助安装设备外,我亦到车上为医疗团队逐一示范仪器开关和发电机操作等,确保手术在安全情况下进行。」每当同事对手术车操作有疑问,王工都十分乐意解答,有时更会滔滔不绝地介绍手术车的各种设备。









联系人:陈先生 13760960168





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